Thursday, August 15, 2013
I hate to admit it, but this blog has been the last thing on my list for the last several months. Life got harder than ever when the Soldier came home, especially after being released from active duty while still being treated medically. It has meant no paycheck for him since terminal leave ended in December.
I have gone back to work, the first time for a 'paying job' since 1995. I am working as a contractor for the Air Force in the chapel. It is interesting working with lots of officers, but they are a great bunch and I enjoy what I do.
I am also going back to school in a couple of weeks. The thought of having to balance 15 credits with work and kids and trying to rebuild a marriage is super scary. If you are a praying person, keep our family on your list.
If you are new here, thanks to my sweet friend, Lori at Witty Little Secret, here are a few posts that share a bit about us and what I used to post on here - before all hell broke loose - aka Reintegration and Warrior Transition Unit.
All about us - from the MilSpouse Appreciation Day Bloghop 2012
Just Another Day Without the Soldier
A Few Things I Hate About Deployment
Thanks for stopping by and feel free to send an email, I promise to answer, it just won't be right away :)
Saturday, May 25, 2013
"Once Upon a Prince" by Rachel Hauck {Book Review}
I have always been a sucker for a Fairy Tale, complete with a handsome prince and a castle. What girl doesn't love them? I will admit that I re-read The Princess by Lori Wick all the time and it never gets old...
Rachel Hauck has woven an amazing modern day Fairy Tale (yes, with a handsome prince). You will love Once Upon a Prince, I couldn't put it down!

The last thing Prince Nathaniel expects to find on his American holiday to St. Simon’s Island is the queen of his heart. A prince has duties, and his family’s tense political situation has chosen his bride for him. When Prince Nathaniel comes to Susanna’s aid under the fabled Lover’s Oak, he is blindsided by love.
Their lives are worlds apart. He’s a royal prince. She’s a ordinary girl. But everything changes when Susanna receives an invitation to Nathaniel’s coronation.
It’s the ultimate choice. His kingdom or her heart? God’s will or their own?
My thoughts:
So much more than just a sweet romance! Once Upon a Prince is a lesson in trusting in God and learning to follow him, even when it isn't easy.
I loved every page of this book! The characters? Just amazing! Susanna and her family, the Prince (what's not to love about a prince?) and everyone else, done with such depth and all so believable.
The settings? You almost believe you are there! From the Georgia beach to the Kingdom of Brighton, every detail is perfect.
The story? It will make you laugh and cry and squeal with happiness. It was like riding a roller coaster, it will keep you guessing until the end (and squealing yet again...)!
Rachel Hauck has a wonderful gift in story telling and I am pretty sure this is her best book yet. It will go into my 'read again' pile - a pretty short stack. I can't wait to read the next one in the series!
About the author:

A graduate of Ohio State University with a degree in Journalism, she worked in the corporate software world before planting her backside in an uncomfortable chair to write full time in 2004. Rachel serves on the Executive Board for American Christian Fiction Writers and leads worship at their annual conference. She is a mentor and book therapist at My Book Therapy, and conference speaker.
Rachel writes from her two-story tower in an exceedingly more comfy chair. She is a huge Buckeyes football fan.
Don't miss...
My review of Rachel's book The Wedding Dress. (Note: As of today - 5/25/13 - The Wedding Dress is only $2.51 for Kindle on Amazon!)
Watch the book trailer!
And, enter the giveaway to win a Kindle Fire!
Rachel Hauck is celebrating the release of Once Upon a Prince with a fun "Royal Wedding" Giveaway and connecting with readers at her May 28th Facebook Party.
One "royal" winner will receive:
- A Kindle Fire
- Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauck
So grab your copy of Once Upon a Prince and join Rachel on the evening of May 28th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun; RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 28th!
The fine print:
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes. The opinions expressed are all mine and I was not required to give a positive review.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Mother Ship by Melody Murray {Guest Post}

AND . . . do enter the contest for a chance to win a beautiful handcrafted pearl necklace and a JOYN India bag. Enter at the bottom of this post. The contest runs 5/4-5/13, and the winner will be announced on 5/14. Contest is only open to U.S. residents.
If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit, subscribe to our blog, and see what we’re all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Mother of Pearl: Luminous Lessons and Iridescent Faith to help support Pearl Girls™.
And to all you MOMS out there, Happy Mother’s Day!
Mother Ship by Melody MurrayMother Ship (N.) - a ship that serves or carries one or more smaller ships.
Raising two boys in India is quite nice, really. We have monkeys, scooters, plenty of dirt, and mountains. The challenges are comical. I found very quickly on that if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry. It’s been an excellent motto for our three years thus far, one I learned shortly after our arrival here in June of 2010.
We’d been in India for just three days when I had my first major meltdown. Our two boys, ages three and four, were sitting in big plastic buckets in our smelly bathroom, covered with mosquito bites, jetlagged as can be. I was frantically pouring cold water over them, trying to scrub off the India grime that had caked on their scrawny little bodies. I was having to hold them like puppy dogs so they wouldn’t scurry out from underneath the cold water. It was a far cry from the sweet, warm, bubbly, happy bath time we’d experienced together for the past four years in the States! Talk about culture shock. They were in shock. I was in shock. I’m sure the neighbors were in shock, too. I’m not sure my boys have ever seen me scream, cry, and stomp that much. Thank God it is just a memory now.
Somehow, by God’s grace, we’ve figured out life here. It looks much different than I had ever thought it would look, especially as a mother. We don’t go to the library, make elaborate crafts, play T-ball, shop at Target, sing in church choir, or take family bike rides. I have had to redefine my ideal upbringing for my children and have had to let go of many expectations. But I’ve managed to grasp hold of a new set of dreams.
My children are global kids. They have an incredible adventure every day. They see the “majority world” firsthand. I think they are some of the most privileged kids I know. I’ve stopped feeling sorry for myself that my kids don’t get to go to ballgames or have a huge tree house or wear cute clothes. Why focus on what I think they’ve lost, only to lose sight of what they’re gaining?
My attitude shift didn’t come easily. I can be quite stubborn. I clung to what I knew and what I thought was “normal” and “right,” as all of us moms do. I’d cry after phone conversations with friends back home who had their children signed up for karate, soccer, and swim lessons, with loads of choices for good schools, churches, and neighborhoods. I had nothing of the sort available for my kids, and I felt bitter and resentful.
But then I slowly began to change. Slowly, after months of getting over culture shock and cold baths, we began to love this place and the people we were with. We began to know them, understand them, become like them. Our community here became our family. Just this week, I’ve been sick with an awful kidney infection, and my living room has been full of my Tibetan, Nepali, and Indian friends, bringing me food, rubbing my feet, playing with my children, washing my dishes. I’ve never experienced community in this way before. My boys are loved so well by so many. And they are learning how to love back, even when it’s not easy.
My attitude shift didn’t come quickly, but when it happened, it took a 180°. I realized how wrong I’d been. These people I live with—their kids don’t have organized sports, church choirs, or fancy vacations either. Their kids aren’t signed up for after-school activities and aren’t becoming multi-skilled elementary school prodigies. Yet, in spite of this, they are content. Like none I’ve ever seen. They love each other. Like none I’ve ever seen. They have very little, yet they have so very much.
In the western world of comparisons and endless striving, I believe we sometimes lose touch of the things we actually care most about. I know most of us moms actually don’t care whether our children are the best at T-ball or whether their crafts look better than the next kid’s. But I think we all care deeply that our kids are loved, and that they know how to love. We all have a common dream that our kids will grow up to be world-changers, to strive for what is right, to love the unloved, to see the world in a different way. These are the deepest dreams of moms. So let’s not forget that the most important things we can give our kids are not the things we can buy them or sign them up for. One of the greatest gifts we can give to our children is to give them sails, let them explore new things, meet new people, and learn to make lasting change in this world.
So join me this Mother’s Day. Let’s all be “mother ships,” leading our kids to new adventures, new beginnings, new relationships. Let’s serve and carry our little ones to places they can only dream of, whether it be making dinner for a neighbor, smiling at the homeless man in front of the grocery store, volunteering at a soup kitchen, or moving to India. Let’s take them with us and teach them how to sail.
“A ship in port is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.” —Grace Murray Hopper

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